eliminate risk




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1·You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
2·However, even with adequate preparation, it is not possible to eliminate risk because every patient may exhibit individual and unpredictable reactions to anaesthesia.
3·It will let us eliminate the risk we would take of contaminating the samples if they were brought back to Earth.
4·They provide an organized way to express ideas cleanly and succinctly -- and eliminate the risk of producing complex drawings that may not be possible to interpret correctly later.
它用有组织的方式清楚简洁地表示思想 —— 并且消除了生成之后不可能正确理解的复杂绘图的风险。
5·Populating a file like this by hand runs the risk of inadvertently creating duplicate IP addresses or host names, so this is a good example of using the built-in command line to eliminate user errors.
手动填充这样的文件有可能会创建重复的 IP 地址或主机名,因此这是使用内置命令行消除用户错误的好例子。
6·A manufacturing firm has many opportunities or options to eliminate interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk, liquidity risk, and the risks associated with property and casualty perils.
7·Started in 2007 with funding from Western Alliance Bancorp (WAL), the fledgling firm has three key tenets: keep rates steady, eliminate fees, and rigorously evaluate the risk of potential customers.
2007年,公司从西联银行(Western Alliance Bancorp)获得资金支持后正式开展业务,作为行业新丁,公司始终秉持着三个重要信条:保持贷款利率稳定、取消手续费和严格评估潜在客户的风险。
8·WASHINGTON (AFP) - Regular physical activity can significantly lower a woman's risk of developing cancer, but skimping on sleep can eliminate those gains, a study released Monday has found.
9·Thee aim of measures taken must be to eliminate any risk throughout the foreseeable lifetime of the machinery including the phases of transport, assembly, dismantling, disabling and scrapping.
10·Today, BTECH has incorporated 17 years worth of battery monitoring experience and data to offer the world there's a way to virtually eliminate your battery failure risk.